
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” It is His Word that defines truth and describes the attractiveness of God’s truth, leading to life.

“What is truth?” This question has been asked for centuries, perhaps most famously by Pilate, the Roman governor who condemned Jesus to death. Not waiting for an answer, the governor missed out on learning a profound lesson—that Jesus Christ is indeed “the way, the TRUTH, and the life” (John 14:6).

The question is still asked today—”What is truth?” For some, many perhaps, there is no reliable and absolute truth—only shades of gray. For others, “truth” is determined by their thoughts and feelings; they are the creators of their own subjective “truth.”

Many are on an elusive search for truth, seeking answers for life’s deepest questions, but never finding satisfaction in response.

Does truth exist? And how can we know what is true? More specifically, can truth be found in regard to human sexuality? Is there truth that should guide human thoughts, actions, and their life?

These are deep questions that invite careful searching–but we believe reliable and trustworthy answers can be found.

We invite you to join us on this worthy journey, for we have the promise of Jesus that “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

What do we do with Song of Solomon?

What do we do with Song of Solomon?

The title Song of Songs is a Hebrew duplicate idiom suggesting a superlative, namely the greatest/best of all songs just as “king of kings” means supreme king or vanity of vanities refers to the vainest. The book claims Solomon as its author, or Solomon, the one to whom the book was dedicated (Song 1:1), who indeed composed about 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32).

Beyond Binary: The Biblical Truth About Biological Sex, Gender and Creation

Beyond Binary: The Biblical Truth About Biological Sex, Gender and Creation

Beyond Binary: The Biblical Truth About Biological Sex, Gender and Creation Biological sex is one of the most fundamental aspects of God’s created order. From the very beginning, as recorded in the book of Genesis, God intentionally designed and created human beings as male and female. This purposeful distinction, instituted by God Himself, is essential … Continued

Homosexuality and the Bible: What is at stake in the current debate

Homosexuality and the Bible: What is at stake in the current debate

Homosexuality and the Bible: What is at stake in the current debate The sexual distinction between male and female is fundamental to what it means to be human. Humankind-in-fellowship as male and female is fundamental to what it means to be in the image of God. Amid the vigorous debate over homosexuality and the Bible . . .

Homosexuality in the Old Testament

Homosexuality in the Old Testament

Homosexuality in the Old Testament This is the first of two articles taken from “Homosexuality, Scripture, and the Church,” by Ekkehardt Mueller. Published by the Biblical Research Institute, the full release is available as a free download on the Resources page of this website. Israel was surrounded by nations for which sexuality and fertility cults . . .

Homosexuality in the New Testament

Homosexuality in the New Testament

Homosexuality in the New Testament This is the second of two articles taken from “Homosexuality, Scripture, and the Church,” by Ekkehardt Mueller. Published by the Biblical Research Institute, the full release is available as a free download on the Resources page of this website. The New Testament contains three explicit texts dealing with the issue . . .

What Adventists Believe About the Holy Scriptures

What Adventists Believe About the Holy Scriptures

What Adventists Believe About the Holy Scriptures The Bible is the word of God, showing us how to live. It reveals God’s will and teaches us timeless lessons we can apply to all parts of our lives.  This book tells us who God is, where we came from, how much God loves us, and how . . .

God’s Ideal for Marriage: Listening to Scripture’s clear voice

God’s Ideal for Marriage: Listening to Scripture’s clear voice

God’s Ideal for Marriage: Listening to Scripture’s clear voice The opening pages of Scripture set forth God’s ideal for marriage, and this Edenic model provides the foundation for the rest of the biblical treatment of the subject. The biblical “gemstone” of marriage glistens with seven major facets. 1. A Heterosexual, Monogamous Marital Form According to . . .

Homosexuality in History—Leviticus 18:22

Homosexuality in History—Leviticus 18:22

Homosexuality in History This article investigates the historical development of homosexuality. It begins with the Ancient Near East, continues with Israel and Judaism, the Greco-Roman world, Christianity and Gnosticism, and finishes with Europe between the Medieval Ages and our time. The Ancient Near East Egypt So far no Egyptian laws have been found dealing with . . .

Homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27

Homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27

Homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27 While a number of Christians hold that Romans 1:26-27 describes homosexuality and rejects it in all its forms, considering it to be sin, others acknowledge that the passage is dealing with homosexuality but they claim that the issue in Paul is idolatry and pederasty, and that Paul could not have taken . . .

What the Bible Really Says About LGBTQ+

What the Bible Really Says About LGBTQ+

What the Bible Really Says About LGBTQ+ This article is adapted from the video presentation, “What the Bible Really Says About LGBTQ+” by Pastor Mark Finley. In our quest for truth today, we challenge a societal norm. Does the message of the Bible align with the current rise and acceptanceof the LGBTQ+ community, or does . . .

He Made All Things Beautiful: Sexuality and Christian Lifestyle

He Made All Things Beautiful: Sexuality and Christian Lifestyle

He Made All Things Beautiful: Sexuality and Christian Lifestyle She wasn’t quite sure how it happened—but it did. Monica was raised in a Seventh-day Adventist home, and living a Christian lifestyle came naturally to her. Then she met Mark, a fellow student at an Adventist college. They spent time together, often alone, and one thing . . .